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Submerged Arc Welding Wire

Submerged arc welding wire is mostly used for welding of carbon steel and other alloy steel metal that has comparatively low strength. The welding materials are composed with welding wire and flux composite. In the submerged arc welding operation, the composite and property of the welding seams depends on both the welding wire and the flux. When choosing submerged arc welding wire, the customers should not only consider the effects of flux composition, but also take into account the impact of base metal composition. To achieve the ideal property, one kind of flux (flux melting) and several types of welding wire can be used together. Or, one kind of welding wire with several types of flux complexes. It should be noted that the mechanical properties of the all-weld metal test specimens used for the classification of a wire/flux combination will vary from those obtained in production due to differences in welding procedures such as wire size and welding parameters.
Supplier information
Company TigSure Welding Wire Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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