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Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder



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Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder

mode SJSZ45,SJSZ55,SJJZ65,SJSZ80 Product alias Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder application Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder, with relevant screw and auxiliary machine, can directly extrude all kinds of thermoplasticity plastic especially the hard PVC powder into pipes, plate, sheet, film, profiles and so on, can also finish process of reshaping of all kinds of plastics and pelleting of the powder. Screw diameter Disparate(mm) output 95, 150, 250, 450(Kg/h) size 3500?020?410 3620?050?157 4235?520?450 ,4750?550?460(mm) SJSZ Series Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder, with relevant screw and auxiliary machine, can directly extrude all kinds of thermoplasticity plastic especially the hard PVC powder into pipes, plate, sheet, film, profiles and so on, can also finish process of reshaping of all kinds of plastics and pelleting of the powder. This machine uses direct-current dynamo and silicon control stepless to control speed. There are over loading protection, malfunction warning, constant-temperature oil circulation in the screw core, barrel oil cooling, vacuum vent-pipe appliance and ration of feed appliance. Qingdao Fushun Plastic Machinery Co.,LTD is the professional manufacturer of SJSZ Series Conical Double-Screw Plastic Extruder.
Supplier information
Company Qingdao Fushun Plastic Machinery Co.,LTD Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Extrusion Plastic Machine  , Moulding Equipment / Assistant Machinery  , 
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