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SBM-Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher



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SBM-Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher

SBM Vertical Shaft Impact crusher is designed by reputed German expert of Shibang and every index of SBM VSI crusher is in worlds leading standard. SBM VSI crusher incorporates three crushing types and it can be operated 720 hours continuously. Nowadays, it has replaced hammer crusher, roller crusher, roller ball mill, etc. and become the mainstream equipment in sand making business. Technological advantages: SBM VSI crusher incorporates three crushing styles; its feeding style incorporates material on material, materials on iron and falling at sides. Customers can adjust the machines according to their own demand. SBM VSI crusher realizes multiple functions in one machine, which is a big breakthrough in sand making field. Excellent performance and long service time: Special light oil lubrication systems ensures the temperature to be within 25; Brand new automatic protection device provides the machine with vibrating, oil filtering and warning system; New type oil filling system ensures the bearings and other transmission system are not abraded and prolong their service time; Choice wearable materials prolong the service time of the machine by 40%. So the cost is lowered by more than 40%.
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Company Shanghai Shibang Machinery Co., Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Equipment Trade  , 
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