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Lubricating Oil Purifier/Oil Filtration/Oil Recycling



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  • Place of Origin: China
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-15 17:00

Lubricating Oil Purifier/Oil Filtration/Oil Recycling

Series TYA is special for purifying all kinds of lubricating oils, such as the hydraulic oil, mechanical oil, coolant oil, gear oil, heat treatment oil and so on. According to the lubricating oil's nature, this machine can rapidly remove water, gas, particulate matters and impurities from lubrication oil, so guarantee lubricating system of machine to work properly and prolong lifetime of machine.
Supplier information
Company Chongqing ZN Oil Purifier & Oil Recycling Co., Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Equipment Trade  , 
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