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plastics Mould

In the times that requires high quality, it is calling up the birth of high exactitude mould Production Company. In 2004, Shenzhen KeJu Exactitude Mould Factory was founded; Shenzhen KeJu Electronic Co. Ltd offers a huge sum of money for its foundation. The factory locates in the third industrial area, Xinqiao, Shajing Town, Baoan district, Shenzhen where is a foreland of Chine high exactitude mould manufacture. The factory has a very strong research and development system, high precise equipment facilities all of which are imported, advanced technical support, and perfect quality control devices. It can provide clients with one whole service system such as research and development of mould, manufacture, casting plastics, gushing out oil, silk printing and equipping etc. It is one of the first-class exactitude mould manufacturing companies in China.
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mould, manufacture, casting plastics, gushing out oil, silk printing and equipping

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Company Shenzhen KeJu Exactitude Mould Factory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Guangdong Business Type ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Electron Mould  , 
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