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  • Place of Origin: China Jiangsu
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
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The WT65F4 is designed as one kind of single chip micro-controller with low speed universal serial bus (USB) and A/D functions. This device includes an 8-bit 8051 CPU core, 256 bytes SRAM, 8 K bytes flash memories, 4 K boot / ICE ROM, and 32 programmable I/O. Also it can be used in UPS, touch pad, joystick and digital board application. Features of the WT65F4 are:(1)8051 CPU core;(2)internal oscillator circuit for crystal from 0.5 MHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 4 MHz, 6 MHz, 8 MHz to 12 MHz;(3)256 bytes SRAM;(4)4 K byte internal ROM for ISP and software ICE function use;(5)8 K bytes flash memory;(6)32 programmable I/O pins;(7)8-pin key wake up function;(8)full duplex serial bus for synchronous or asynchronous;(9)enbedded USB function with three endpoints (one control Enpoint 0, two interrupt IN endpoint);(10)two 16-bit programmable timers;(11)total 4 ports with 25 mA source current and 8 ports with 25 mA sink current;(12)CMOS technology for low power consumption;(13)integrated 3.3 V power regulator for USB use;(14)support power down / idle power management.
Supplier information
Company Changzhou Minking Electronic Co., Ltd., Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Jiangsu Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Pneumatic Tool  , Mould Machine / Electric Tools  , Trading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , Coordination & Synergy / Electric Forming Machinin  , Mould Manufacturer / Toys & Crafts Mould  , 
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