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hygienic toilet seat

It is an established fact that people are afraid to sit on public toilet seats. Sharing a toilet seat is like sharing your toothbrush or bath towel with strangers. It us a risk people prefer not to take. Until now, there was not much you could do. the maintenance department or janitorial personnel can not be expected to clean toilets after every use. Paper toilet seat covers, hand towels and toilet tissue used to line the seats provide little protection, clog the plumbing and increase the cost of supplies.If you manage a business with toilet facilities, you are responsible for the health and well-being of your customers. Being aware that a problem exists and doing something about it are two different things. You can no longer ignore the problem, because your competitors wont! Your restrooms are a reflection of you and your business.Providing Hygienic Toilet seats shows you care!If your are involved in toilet business, this is absolutely a good chance to enrich your products!
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bidet toilet,electronic bidet toilet,the intelligent toilet,bidet toilet seat,electronic bidet seat

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Company Kandy Environmentally Friendly Equipment Plant Business modelAgent
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeAgent (Agent)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Commodity Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Home appliance  , 
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