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Stone and metal cnc router(JCUT-1212B-C)



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Stone and metal cnc router(JCUT-1212B-C)

Machine body whole cast iron Guideway XYZ axis use linear guideway Driving mode ball screw Work dimensions 1200*120*80mm Body dimensions(with bracket) 1600*1600*1450mm Z-axis working area 80or150mm Max. Feeding heigh 100mm or bigger Cut thickness of material ?40mm(organic) Max. Speed 6000mm/min Working speed 0 - 5000mm/min Mechanical precision 0.01mm Compatible Software type 3 software, Artcut software, Artcam software Max. Power consumption 3000W Power source AC 220/50Hz or 110V/60HZ Driver type XYZ-85BYG motor Spindle 2200W variable speed, water-cooled motor Spindle speed 0 - 24,000rpm/min Blade diameter 3.175mm,4mm,6mm,8mm Control system Ncstudio Command G code, u00, mmg, plt,HPGL Relative humidity 30% - 75% Pack dimensions 1800*1800*1600mm Net weight 520kg
Supplier information
Company JCUT CNC Equipment Co., Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Punch Machinery  , Coordination & Synergy / Engraving Machining  , Coordination & Synergy / CNC Machining  , 
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