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BrandBOEGGER Valid untillong term effective Latest update2015-08-20 17:44

StainlesssteeLknott ropemesh

 Stainless steel knotted rope mesh is made from high tensile stainless steel of 304, 316, 304L, 316L. And the two main rope constructions of stainless steel ropes are 7 × 7 and 7 × 19, and 1 × 7 and 1 × 19 are also supplied. The standard angle is 90°. The mesh cannot hurt hands for its good softness. And it will not hurt animals and birds either. So it is widely used as stainless steel zoo mesh to protect animals, and it can make the visitors enjoy animals free of danger. Besides, it is used as stainless steel aviary mesh and bird cages to make birds live comfortably.
A piece of stainless steel knotted rope mesh.

Stainless steel knotted rope mesh is all made from stainless steel ropes, without ferrules, and the standard angle is 90°.

A piece of stainless steel knotted rope mesh hangs on the wall.

Stainless steel knotted rope mesh has aesthetic appearance, making it suitable for decoration.

Packaging details:

  • Packed stainless steel knotted rope mesh in roll with plastic bag inside, carton box or wooden case outside.
  • Packed stainless steel knotted rope mesh as customers' requirements.

Our stainless steel knotted rope mesh has great advantages over other similar products in many aspects.

  • Soft but strong.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh is made of stainless steel ropes whose constructions are 7 × 7 and 7 × 19, so stainless steel knotted rope mesh is very soft, and it will not hurt human bodies and animals. However, the whole mesh has firm construction. It can bear heavy snow and gale.
  • High flexibility and wide application.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh has unique structure, and its width, length, rope diameter as well as opening size are all customized. What's more, irregular shapes are also supplied. So it is very flexible and it can be applied in many places around us.
  • Excellent visibility.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh has unique rhombic openings which makes the product have good visibility. Therefore, stainless steel knotted rope mesh is suitable for zoo mesh and bird cages. And stainless steel knotted rope mesh allows visitors to watch animals better and prevents visitors from being hurt by animals effectively. In other words, stainless steel knotted rope mesh shortens the distance between visitors and animals.
  • Close to nature and environmentally friendly.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh can be used in any climate and environment. And it is resistant to rust although it is subject to violent sunlight, rain, snow and fog. So its service life can be up to more than 30 years. Besides, it can be used repeatedly. Above all, it doesn't need maintenance after installation.
  • Luxury appearance.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh has smooth appearance and diamond-shaped openings. What's more, stainless steel knotted rope mesh itself is a beautiful landscape.
  • Outstanding elasticity and buffer ability.
    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh has good elasticity and buffer ability. Therefore, it is resistant to impact from animals when used in zoo. Above all, neither animals nor stainless steel knotted rope mesh will be hurt. And it can provide a safe and comfortable living environment for animals and birds.
The specification of stainless steel knotted rope mesh
Code Rope Construction Rope Diameter Opening Size Breaking Force
Inch mm Inch mm KN
SKRM-01 7 × 19 1/8 3.2 4.7" × 4.7" 120 × 120 7.38
SKRM-02 7 × 19 1/8 3.2 4" × 4" 102 × 102 7.38
SKRM-03 7 × 19 1/8 3.2 3.6" × 3.6" 90 × 90 7.38
SKRM-04 7 × 19 1/8 3.2 3" × 3" 76 × 76 7.38
SKRM-05 7 × 19 1/8 3.2 2" × 2" 51 × 51 7.38
SKRM-06 7 × 7 3/32 2.4 4" × 4" 102 × 102 4.18
SKRM-07 7 × 7 3/32 2.4 3.6" × 3.6" 90 × 90 4.18
SKRM-08 7 × 7 3/32 2.4 3" × 3" 76 × 76 4.18
SKRM-09 7 × 7 3/32 2.4 2.4" × 2.4" 60 × 60 4.18
SKRM-10 7 × 7 3/32 2.4 2" × 2" 51 × 51 4.18
SKRM-11 7 × 7 5/64 2 3" × 3" 76 × 76 3.17
SKRM-12 7 × 7 5/64 2 2.4" × 2.4" 60 × 60 3.17
SKRM-13 7 × 7 5/64 2 2" × 2" 51 × 51 3.17
SKRM-14 7 × 7 5/64 2 1.5" × 1.5" 38 × 38 3.17
SKRM-15 7 × 7 1/16 1.6 3" × 3" 76 × 76 2.17
SKRM-16 7 × 7 1/16 1.6 2" × 2" 51 × 51 2.17
SKRM-17 7 × 7 1/16 1.6 1.5" × 1.5" 38 × 38 2.17
SKRM-18 7 × 7 1/16 1.6 1.2" × 1.2" 30 × 30 2.17
SKRM-19 7 × 7 1/16 1.6 1" × 1" 25 × 25 2.17
SKRM-20 7 × 7 3/64 1.2 2" × 2" 51 × 51 1.22
SKRM-21 7 × 7 3/64 1.2 1.5" × 1.5" 38 × 38 1.22
SKRM-22 7 × 7 3/64 1.2 1.2" × 1.2" 30 × 30 1.22
SKRM-23 7 × 7 3/64 1.2 1" × 1" 25 × 25 1.22
SKRM-24 7 × 7 3/64 1.2 0.8" × 0.8" 20 × 20 1.22
All the parameters above can be modified.
Supplier information
Company hebeiBoegger Industrial Limited Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital50Ten thousandRMB Year Established1988
LocationChina/Hebei Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Building Materials Mould  , 
Main ProductsWorld wide
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