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ISO Certificated resonable price PPR pipe fittings unequal tee/ppr fittings tee



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Information on this page is provided for you by Guangdong SWIN Plastic Industrial CO.,LTD.“ISO Certificated resonable price PPR pipe fittings unequal tee/ppr fittings tee”Product information, if you want to know more about“ISO Certificated resonable price PPR pipe fittings unequal tee/ppr fittings tee”Price, manufacturers, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
BrandSWIN Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-11-18 15:52

ISO Certificated resonable price PPR pipe fittings unequal tee/ppr fittings tee

1.Good chemicals and drugs resistance
2.Strong mechanical strength
3.Good electrical insulation,Simple installat

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1. PPR Pipe Fittings Unequal Tee

SWIN PPR Pipe Fittings Unequal Tee are made of Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PP-R), The quality of our material guarantees long life over 10 years, high resistance to pressure and temperature. This material is suitable for hot and cold water supply systems and heating systems. 

Socket   Socket    90 °C Elbow     45°C Elbow Equal Tee Female Plastic Loose Joint
Male Plastic Loose Joint   Bypass Bend      Unequal Tee    Reducing Elbow   Female Thread union 
Stop Valve   Brass Ball Valve 4-Way Straight Cross Male Thread Union  90°C Female Elbow     
Female Tee    Male Losse Joint     90°C Male Elbow      Male Tee           Femal Loose Joint
Reducing Couping    Seated Male Elbow    Seated Female Elbow   Clip Plastic Ball Valve
Plastic Flange  Male Plug Pipe Cap Swan Neck  Adjustable Clip
Double union Ball Valve Plastic Flange Plate      Heat Melting Machine      Melting Joint       Scissors

2.  PPR Pipe Fittings Unequal Tee Avalible Size Description:

SWIN PPR Pipe Fittings Unequal Tee can be used for Hot and cold water application, for transportation of all kinds of liquid foods,

for piping system in Industries like transportation of aggressive fluids (acids, chemicals, alkalis etc.) and for conveying compressed air. One of the best advantages is its simple instalment. Its 5-7 times faster compare to steel pipes.

Specification Packing(pcs/box)
TD25X20X25 54
TD32X20X32 40
TD32X25X32 32
TD40X20X40 24
TD40X25X40 24
TD40X32X40 36
TD50X20X50 33
TD50X25X50 33
TD50X25X50 30
TD50X32X50 24
TD50X40X50 20
TD63X20X63 15
TD63X25X63 15
TD63X32X63 15
TD63X40X63 12
TD63X50X63 12
TD75X25X75 12
TD75X32X75 10
TD75X40X75 8
TD75X50X75 8
TD75X63X75 6
TD90X25X90 6
TD90X32X90 6
TD90X40X90 6
TD90X50X90 4
TD90X63X90 3
TD90X75X90 3
TD110X25X110 4
TD110X32X110 1
TD110X40X110 1
TD110X50X110 1
TD110X63X110 1
TD110X75X110 1


1. High Temperature Resistance: the maximum sustained working temperature is up to 70 Degrees Celsius, the maximum transient temperature is up to 95 Degrees Celsius.
2. Heat Preservation: low thermal conductivity which is only 1/1500 of brass pipe, and 1/250 of steel pipe.
3. Non-toxic: no heavy metal additives would not be covered with dirt or contaminated by bacterium.
4. Corrosion Resistant: resist chemical matters or electron chemical corrosion.
5. Lower Installation Costs: light weight and ease of installation can reduce installation costs by as much as 50% over metal piping system.
6. Higher Flow Capacity: smooth interior walls result in lower pressure loss and higher volume than metal pipes.
7. Long Life: more than 50 years under normal conditions.
8. Recycled and Environment-friendly.


Supplier information
Company Guangdong SWIN Plastic Industrial CO.,LTD. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufacturer ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
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