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  • Place of Origin: China
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  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Main products: Barbed Wire, Razor Wire
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Concertina Wire

Concertina Wire KDY manufactures and sells the following concertina wire coils for mounting spiral of security barrier, specifically, reinforced twisted wire ribbon and concertina wire reinforced with barbed tape) Concertina coils, which are intended to create a highly efficient barricade and used as a temporary engineering (mobile ) or permanent (stationary) fencing for installation on land or on already existing fence. Twisted wire reinforced tape is a voluminous concertina transformed construction of the cutting profile, from galvanized steel strips 0,5-0,55 mm thick, with double-edged, symmetrically located blades. The design has many degrees of freedom and therefore combines along with cutting effect. Spiral concertina security barrier is applied for fencing perimeters of protected sites in residential zones. It is in two rows, and packed together in parallel with each other, in the form of passive barriers, bonded with each other. To protect the highly dangerous objects, concertina wire coils are recommended for use in combination with other remedies, for example, the alarm - and then a violator will have no chances. Concertina wire coils are relatively inexpensive means of protection, but its reliability is tested for decades. Galvanized steel materials have a long service life for several tens of years. Concertina coil is easily assembled, which allows it to be used not only on stationary, but at the temporary facilities - for example, in defending a territory from aggressive crowds, etc. Spiral concertina wire fence can be used repeatedly and it can fold easily.
Supplier information
Company Puma Barbed Tape Co. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established2000
LocationChina Business TypeTrading Company ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Numerically Controlled Ma  , 
Main ProductsBarbed Wire, Razor Wire
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