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QJ-8II-E Sweet Blowing Machine



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QJ-8II-E Sweet Blowing Machine

Model No: QJ-8II-E Produce Origin: China Brand Name: Yuexiang Minimum Order: 1 set Detailed Product Description: QJ-8II-E blow molding machine can blow plastic sweets bottle. It is suitable to many materials, including PP、PE、PC、ABS etc. And our company can offer the relevant mould for your need. Our machine is small in size, low energy consumption and high in productivity. We can provide engineer to your country to help you set up the machine. Machine Specifications : Volume: 4-7L Blowing Press: 15-30Mpa Theoretical Output: 500-1000pcs/h Power: 9KW
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Company Taizhou Huangyan Yuexiang Machinery Co., Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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