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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Authentication:
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: BCPM is specialized in manufacturing precision moulds for automotive lamps and daily life plastic. For example head
  • location: China/Zhejiang
  • Honor: Passed Certification VIPFirst12 Year:7Level
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Information on this page is provided for you by Taizhou Huangyan Beiyang Automotive Plastic Mould Factory“Auto Lamp Mould”Product information, if you want to know more about“Auto Lamp Mould”Price, manufacturers, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
Valid untillong term effective Latest update2017-03-14 16:02

Auto Lamp Mould

Name Description Mold material: P20,SKD61,718H,2344,45#,60#,2738 ect. , Customers can require Cavity: Single or multi Runner: Hot/cold Design software: UG,CAD ect. Plastic material: PVC,PP,ABS ect. Mold life: (300,000------1,000,000shots) Delivery time: 45-90days Specification: Depends on customers requirements Steps 1.Negotiations: Quality,material,price,payment,delivery time item and so on. 2.Place an order: According customers drawing or sample. 3.R&D: According customers requirement design or improve 3D modeling. 4.Design Confirmation: We send 3D drawing to customer to confirm. Before we make the mold. 5.Mold Processing: CNC EDM machine processing then assembly and trial. 6.Sample confirm: We will send trial sample to customers.Before shipment,If the sample isn’t satisfied customers.We will modify mold until customers satisfaction. 7.Mass production: If customers need mass production plastic products,We can offer. 8.Delivery: Delivery molds by sea or air based on customer needs.
Supplier information
Company Taizhou Huangyan Beiyang Automotive Plastic Mould Factory Business modelManufacturer
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established1996
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan Data authentication          
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Commodity Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Home appliance  , 
Main ProductsBCPM is specialized in manufacturing precision moulds for automotive lamps and daily life plastic. For example head
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