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Mould welding electrode

CMC Covered Electrode for automobile panel die CMC-E58 Repair Cutting edge Cutting die Automobile covers die Mending Punch die & mould CMC E58 Low Current: 80~110 for 3.2mm Hardness: HRC 57~59 Welding Cold working steel Repair Cutting edge and Punch die & mould Be suitable for cool working steel damage surfacing, especially for cutting angle and sideline of cold forging die, knife-die, Automotive stamping die, hardware stamping die. For the production of cut tools, also can be surfacing as a shear edge by welding to low-alloy or ordinary steel. Can also be applied to wearing resistance parts hard surface making. CMC-E45 Repair Press die Mending draw part stretching die, drawing die pressing die Automobile body die ???The Welded is Very Easy to polish. High Hardness: HRC 48~52 Design for Pressing die and draw part A kind of middle hard steel welding electrode, be suitable for air cooling steel (air hardening materials) and cast iron such as ICD5, 7CrSiMinMoV and So on. Applied to welding the drawing parts of vehicle sheet metal covering part die and large hardware sheet metal stamping Die, also suitable for hard surface making. CMC-E30N Repair cracks Repair unknown base metals???Repair Die & Mould with cracks Repair and maintenance of large-sized tools & machines Repair cracks Buffer layers on difficult-to-weld Repair unknown base metals Used for joining a broad range of difficult-to-weld metals including special, austenitic-manganese, Air hardening materials for dissimilar-metal joining. Depending on the ferrit content suitable for designed for joining difficult-to-weld steels, welding of dissimilar joints and rebuilding or buffering before hardsurfacing. CMC-E46N Repair High Chromium Iron Cast Reduce drawing stamp???Repair automobile Pressing die of drawing part ???Design for mending drawbead part of automobile panel press die ???Suitable for repairing and joining of High Chromium Cast Iron(GM241)HRC 45~48 For mending drawbead part of sheet metal press die Used for welding directly on High Chromium Cast Iron, cast iron, high strength, and good ductility. After welded would be high hardness and easy to polish that could reduce drawing stamp. Applied to cast iron and ductile iron and suitable for machinery processing. CMC-E7W Suitable for welding of cast iron (ICD5) or knife-edge of steel production and damage. Especial suitable for the production of automotive sheet metal cutting edge, punching, flanging position, light sheet metal stamping die angle of the side. For the production of cut tools, also can be surfacing as a shear edge. Can also be applied to wearing resistance parts hard surface making. CMC-MS64N Economical Ni-bearing electrodes Repair cast irons die???Economical Ni-bearing electrodes???Repair and joining cast irons ???Economical Ni-bearing electrodes Good machining property Suitable for repair and joining various of cast irons Welding electrode for cast iron, high strength, and good ductility. Applied to cast iron and ductile iron and suitable for machinery processing. CMC-E61N Repair cast iron die???Suitable for repairing of cracks, filling of defects and joining of all kinds of cast iron. For welding of the construction which water tightening is required. Repair cast iron die Excellent crack resistance & good tensile strength Excellent welding usability, preheat is not required??? CmC E61N is a covered electrode with graphite type coating and pure Ni alloy core rod. The weld metal provides excellent machining property, good tensile strength and good crack resistance. It is suitable for the repair welding of high pressure parts and cast iron products, etc. CMC-E47N electrode for cast iron Rod welded directly in cast iron. It will be easy to in the edge of cast iron die and part of extending and pressing. CMC-E67N electrode for cast iron For repairing of all kinds of cast iron and underlay build-up of hard surfacing. CMC-E60A high hardness electrode Excellent stability of hardness, heat/tearing/wearing-resisted, be suitable to medium carbon steel, hard surface making of low alloy steel, welding wearing/tearing-resisted work piece and industrial knives, automobile die, welding hot work die, cold work die, launching die, crushing die.
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Company CMC WELDING MATERIALS CORP Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shanghai Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Auto & Moto Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Supplementary Material / Mould Steel  , Supplementary Material / Molding Material  , Supplementary Material / Mould Supplementary Mater  , 
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