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Mould plastics mould

zhejiang Huangyan Yusheng polyester Mold Factory, establised in 1988,is specialized in making preform molds,bottle-blowing molds and lid molds.Our total assets has been up to 10 million RMB yuan,with 10800m workshop and 150 employees,among which 30% are senior Engineers or medium-level technicians.We produce quality bottle blowing molds and PET injection mold series with 12 cavities,16 cavities and 48 cavities,A new generation YUS 16 cavities preform injection mold series has been successfully developed, the qualify can be comparable with the molds made by developed countries. We have adopted the technical principles from German, Japanese and Canadian molddesigns, processed bu special advanced epuipments, precisely designed by computer system, which can benefit our customers with high qiality mold of good workmanship atlow price. Up tillnow our products has been exported to more than 30 countries all over the world, such as Russia Romania,Mexico,Pakistan,India,Iran,Siutheast Asian countries etc.
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bottle blowing molds and PET injection mold series with 12 cavities,16 cavities and 48 cavities

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Company zhejiang Huangyan Yusheng polyester Mold Factory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business Type ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Packing Vessel Mould  , 
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