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Demoulding Conserve Series

Green rustproof agentJiahua Long-term rust removal agent (green film), rust removal period is of 1.5 year.Jiahua Rust Removal Spraying Agent (green film), with excellent drainage and rust removal function in the high-humid environment through a layer of soft film. It is fingerproof, flexible and no hindering to the precision assembly afterwards, containing the green fluorescence agent that is convenient for recognizing the floor. It is applicable to the precision parts and surface rust removing of the instruments, particularly the plastic mould suitable for the production and storage. 24piece/boxUsage: shaking it evenly and keeping it vertical, spraying it fro the distance of 20-30 cm. Caution: It should be prevented from the direct sunshine, or exposed in the environment in which the temperature is over 50 degree, after using it, it should not to be threw into the can or fire. Also, it should not poured to the fire or metal surface.
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Company Shenzhen Jiaxingchang Industrial Co., Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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