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Trigger Sprayer, Lotion Pump, Plastic Caps



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Trigger Sprayer, Lotion Pump, Plastic Caps

Yuyao YunGe Atomizer Co. Ltd. Specializes in producing plastic articles, moulds and microsprays, which was set up in 1982.Its present employees: Over 300 people. Total floor area:10000m2. Construction floor area:5000m2. The hand-sprays are the leading products of our company,80% of which are exported. Besides, have stronger technique strength Our factory is closed to the national highway No.329. So travelling here is very convenient. Customers both at home and abroad are welcome to our factory for ordering goods or processing goods with their own raw material.We always insists on "Quality First, Buyer Paramountcy", are strict with quality, in process of producing the stuffs of our company all test themselves, patrol check in process, it must be all checked that leaving factory. We assure each product is checked out. We regard compact and keep faith. Customers are put at the first place forever by us.
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Fabric, slow cooker, timer, solar light

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Company Yuyao yunge Atomizer Co.,Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business Type ()
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
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