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Calabash small feeding-bottle



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang

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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-14 20:11

Calabash small feeding-bottle

Good baby is famous brand of children appliances in domestic. Up to now its products are sold to more 80 countries and areas in the whole world. Numerous children of the whole world are enjoying illimitable enjoyment from Good babys the highest quality and brand perfection. All products of Good baby have gained about safety, hygiene and quality certificate of several our own countrys authoritativeness organization. Each product of Good baby condense creativeness reseaching essence,distinctive appearance modeling originality, pure and fresh color changing and futuristic and vigor lively behaviour of Good babys workers. Every slight all reflect Good babys constantly seeking for perfect designing. Good baby is willing to share the newest science and technology and achievements and bring illimitable happiness and enjoyment for every father and mother and family who love Good baby fervently.
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Company Good baby facory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
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