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bubble heat insulation

This is a new environmentally-friendly heat insulation material ,Which is soft,litht and easy to install.it is made from aluminum foil an polyethylene by special machinery.It has no odor an toxicity;It not only overcomers the discomfort and environmental damage borught by glass fiber and epispastic materials,but can also resist ultraviolet radiation that can penetrate through sheet iron,concrete ,wood and other common heat insulation materials.This new heat insulation material not only has goodinsulation,heat-reflection&insulation and anti-radiation functions,but also has good moisture-barrier,heat-preservation and energy-saving functions in housing construction(roof,wall,and floor).
Supplier information
Company Fujingtang New Decoration Products Co.,LTD Business modelOthers
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeOthers (Others)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Packing Vessel Mould  , Coordination & Synergy / Electric Forming Machinin  , 
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