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Valve gate without tail preform mould



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Business model: Manufactur
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-15 00:27

Valve gate without tail preform mould

The life of mold is more than 3 million times. I.Off-center Adjustment System Off-center adjustment system can make the error of preform’s wall thickness less than 0.05mm. This system does not affect the lifetime of mold; II.Self-lock System International advanced bi-awls fixed orientation self-locked structure has been adopted. III.Cooling System All the water Channels in the mold’s each inner part, which make the cycle time short enough. And all the cooling channels have been specially treated to prevent them from jam; IV.Heating System Double Heating System can ensure that the impact of heating is good and quality control is credible. The Heating Band unit makes nozzles be with invariable temperature. The Heater Unit is used to heat the hot runner plate with long using life and powerful heating capacity. V.Hot Runner System The perform mold adopt Pin-valve type Hot Runner System, such hot runner system can reduce mold’s each part’s wear & tear and maintenance cost, and also save 10%~15% electric energy; VI.Hydraulic Ejecting System The perform-doffing success ratio has achieved firm endurance and the whole perform ejecting process will become much quieter.
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Preform mould, cap mould, bottle blow mould

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Company Huangyan Haihui Mould Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Household goods  , Mould Manufacturer / Packing Vessel Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Medical & Chemical Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Other Mould  , Mould Manufacturer / Home appliance  , 
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