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Non-woven cloth foil heat insulation



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Non-woven cloth foil heat insulation

This new heat insulation material fills the gap in domestic heat insulation material field,which combines aluminum foil???s dual effect of reflecting light and heat and non-woven cloth's excellent softness and pull resistance.This product consists of aluminum foil and non-woven cloth,which is processed by special machines.Its feature with no smell,innocuous air and aluminum foils' eat preservation and insulation enable it to besuit for a variety of usages ranged widely from interlayer material of boxes,bags and even to ice bags. Usage: 1. Warm preservation for pipes,heat insulation and water proof material roofs. 2. Moistrure barrier mat used on sand beach,for camping and traveing.. 3. Sun bloking for vehicles,sun light resistant cushion for motorbike,covers for cars and air conditioners. 4. Packing of home applinces,precision instrumens,top grade porcelain and other arts and crafts. 5. Packing for variety of products including products repuires cold storage.
Supplier information
Company Fujingtang New Decoration Products Co.,LTD Business modelOthers
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeOthers (Others)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Packing Vessel Mould  , Coordination & Synergy / Electric Forming Machinin  , 
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