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5-layer multi-die head extrusion machine



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
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  • location: China/Zhejiang
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5-layer multi-die head extrusion machine

5-layer multi-die head extrusion machine DHD-5L-MIII/IV/V/VI,DHD-12L-MIII/IV/V/VI It is our newest design: 5-layer, double head, four head, fully –auto extrusion blow molding machine. Advantages of automatic extrusion blow molding machine: This machine fused multilayer co-extrusion, PLC, electro-hydraulic proportional and frequency conversion and others advanced technology, with high robotization, fast and stably operation, and high productivity. The plasticization of the die reaches advanced international standard. The machine is suitable for producing the high-performance multilayer composite plastic hollow products which with aesthetic appearance, high strength and good barriers, anticorrosion, and anti-leakage. At present, we are one of the leaders in the field of co-extrusion techniques. Products widely used in foods, medicine, chemical industry and other fields. Could prolong the shelf period, and bring good economic benefit. Advanced processing equipment: Introducing advanced technology form Germany,Italy,Japan etc. Involving advanced design and production of super large-scale blow-molding machine and engineering management capability. Holding over 40 items Patent Technologies. After sales service: With good brand reputation and attitude of customer-centric, we invite special technologists responsible for after sales. Service hotline is 24-hour on call. Fast response: domestic call is handled within 12 hours. International call is handled within 20 hours.
Supplier information
Company Tincoo Blow Moulding Machine & Mold Co., Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Zhejiang Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMoulding Equipment / Injection Plastic Machine  , Moulding Equipment / Blowing Plastic Machinery  , Moulding Equipment / Extrusion Plastic Machine  , Moulding Equipment / Assistant Machinery  , Moulding Equipment / Packing Machinery  , 
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