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  • Place of Origin: China Hubei
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
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Valid untillong term effective Latest update2013-01-14 19:31


Performance Characteristics: Cold work mould steel, similar to ASTM A2,it is a kind of widely used steel in A. Good wear resistance, minimal distortion, good quench-hardening ability, high pressure strength. Applications: Air hardening tool steel which is easier to machine than D2 or D3 but offers high abrasion resistance with good toughness. steel for pressing mold and cutting knife with heavy-loading and complex shape. Chemical Composition (%): C Si Mn V Ni Cr Cu S P 0.95~1.05 �0.50 �1.00 0.15~0.50 �0.25 4.75~5.50 �0.30 �0.030 �0.030 Mechanical properties: Hardness: annealing,less than or equal to 255 HB,creasing diameter is more than or equal to 3.95 mm ; quenching is more than or equal to 60 HRC. Delivery Condition: Annealed          
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Tool steel,mould steel,special steel,die steel, alloy tool steel,forged steel

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Company Wuhan Jin Xingqiang Mould Steel Co.,Ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Hubei Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , 
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