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1.2714 55NiCrMoV7 SKT4 alloyed hot work tool steel



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1.2714 55NiCrMoV7 SKT4 alloyed hot work tool steel

1.2714 55NiCrMoV7 SKT4 alloyed hot work tool steel 1. Grade: L6,1.2714,5ChNM,SKT4,55NiCrMoV7 2. Available sizes: Round Bar: Dia 6-410mm Flat: 8-160*205-710mm Mould: 200*200-1200*1000mm Length: 3000-12000mm 3. Chemical compositon: C Si S P Mn Cr V Mo 0.50~0.60 0.10~0.40 0.005 0.025 0.60~0.90 0.80~1.20 0.05~0.15 0.35~0.55 4. Delivery condition: Soft annealed to max 248 HB Quenched and tempered, 1100-1350MPa. 5. Applications: Standard material for forging dies, hot shear knives, punches, backing plates, die holders, hot punching tools. 6. Representative clients: Chiron-Werke,HURCO,KYOCERA,Yiqi moju etc.
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steel plate, mould steel, hot work tool steel, heavy forged mould

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Company Gloria Steel Limited Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Mould Steel  , Trading & Purchaser / Material & Assistant Mate  , Supplementary Material / Molding Material  , 
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