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Double-color wire making machine DXF65ZS/800ZD



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Double-color wire making machine DXF65ZS/800ZD

Double-color wire making machine DXF65ZS/800ZD Usefulness: This set is provide wire & cable factory to making wire or double-color wire. Double-color wire making machine DXF65ZS/800ZD Configuration: 1.Tightness pay-off frame ZFX800(lifting motor 1.5kw-4) 2.Level coil in equipment. 3.Φ65 plastic extruder: adopt 15kw,auxiliary motor 1.5kw, heating-apparatus、machine head、wire mold. 4.Plastic drying apparatus:SG75(heating power4.5kw,drying power0.25kw); 5.Auto-feeding apparatus:SL300G(900w,lift 4m) 6.Heating control cupboard: 9 section heating control. 7.Cooling channel 8m, circulating water pump. 8.Level frame: 9.Blower machine CG30. 10.Printer YZ. 11.Double wheel hauling and reeling machine:SS400/800, motor 3kw. More information about Double-color wire making machine DXF65ZS/800ZD,please visit
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Company Gongyi Great Wall Sponge Wire Equipment Factory Business model
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