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pH, PPM & Temperature YM-2006A



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pH, PPM & Temperature YM-2006A

The Nutra-Dip Meter has been specially designed for maximum measurements control. The handy keyboard on the front of the instrument has all the buttons needed to test various functions. The use of (ATC) automatic temperature compensation, makes the meter very accurate by correcting temperature errors. The display on the front panel displays the pH / mV / 癱 / EC / CF / or TDS reading taken by the instrument. The Nutra-Dip uses a mains charger or batteries as means of power, so the Instruments can be used static or for field use. The Instruments also has a low battery warning to alert you the batteries need charging, rechargable batteries are fitted in the meter ready to go. The continuous-operating Nutra-Dip measures pH from 0-14, nutrient EC:from 0.00 -- 19.99EC, TDS:from 10-19990ppm, CF:from 0.0 -- 199.9CF and nutrient temperature from 0-100癱, ORP: from -1999-1999 mV. Place it in your reservoir and rely on it for at-a-glance measurement of these six critical factors. Perfect for many different industries including Hydroponics, Winerys and Aquatics, Hobbist or proffesional. The Nutra-Dip comes complete with a EC / CF and TDS probe, pH sensor and a stainless steel temperature probe. Also a mains adaptor and Calibration trimmer. Calibration is quick and simple with the easy calibrate pots
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Company YM Instrument Co.,Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
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