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bottom valve

Rely on advanced techniques and abundant experiences, Ruiqi Plastic Mould can produce a great variety of complicated plastic moulds, mainly designs and produces ball valve,such as PP-R、PE、ABS、CPVC、UPVC and so on, single and double valve, butterfly valve, bottom valve, check valve, water nozzle of ball valve, helical water nozzle, and drain pipe fittings, and supplies other services,suck as production material and technique etc.Since the Corp. was built,we already designed and made a large of plastic mould with success.Through long investigates, every factories and Corp. those using our mould improve production efficiency, and acquire well economic benefit. We do design , produce and development based on desires of our clients. We have high-class production equipments and engineering staff whose theories and practical experence are stronger, so our technical force is rich. Because design tools, such as CAD/CAM, Pro/E, UG and so on, are used, product specification is more rational and various. In our Corp., we have some first-class engineers who are engaged on technological development of plastic mould production and skilled operators, so our mould production is much more specialization and technicalization.besides, we use up-to-minute technology to ensure product quality.We will astisfy our clients by more strict product quality, more perfect services. Welcome overseas and domestic clients to business negotiations. We will serve you with our hearts!
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Company Ruiqi Plastic Mould Factory Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
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