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Stainless Steel Fiber

The cold-rolled strip stainless steel fiber products are made from cutting. Stainless steel fiber has high tensile strength and it can be easily dispersed, and can be easily integrated with the concrete. Stainless steel fiber is widely used and the main parameters as follows: Fiber length: 25-35mm Fiber diameter: 0.3-0.7mm Tensile strength:650MPa Stainless steel fiber is made in accordance to the country standard YB/T151-1999 Standard for Steel Fibers for Concrete Uses, and the JG/T3064-1999 Standard of Steel Fiber for Concrete Building Industry. Packing: We can provide package according to our customers?specifications. Stainless steel fiber can be packed in one-layer of plastic and two-layer paper bags or boxes. The weight is 20kg per bag, or per customers request. Harde Stainless Steel Fiber has mainly three types: slit sheet stainless steel fiber, indentation steel fiber and hooked ends steel fiber. Indentation Stainless Steel Fiber: We offer steel fiber for concrete mixing to enhance the strength. Indentation steel fiber is widely used and the main parameters as follows: Fiber length: 25-35mm Fiber diameter: 0.3-0.7mm Tensile strength:650MPa Steel fiber is made in accordance to the country standard YB/T151-1999 Standard for Steel Fibers for Concrete Uses, and the JG/T3064-1999 Standard of Steel Fiber for Concrete Building Industry.
Supplier information
Company Harde Steel Fiber Co. Business modelTrading Co
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeTrading Co (Trading Co)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Metal Forming Machinery  , 
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