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Yeast propagation equipment

Zhongde Company has been working on the yeast propagation fro all the time. We adopted pure sterile culture technology to research and manufacture the equipment. Ensured there is no dead angle in the equipment, easy to clean. The control system adopted imported industrial computer, automatic to control the whole propagation process. It is easy to set the parameters manually or automatically. And display the entire process of produce, the capacity of the wort and O2, the temperature of each tank, pressure, the situation of each tank, and also can realized continuous / automated produce. At the same time, this equipment also has a comprehensive CIP, air and steam filtration system.
Supplier information
Company Zhonde Equipment Co.,Ltd.Shandong Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessCoordination & Synergy / Plotting& Molding  , 
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