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13926841545 86-752-6151155
  • Place of Origin: China Guangdong
  • Business model: Manufacturer
  • Registered capital: 150Ten ThousandRMB
  • Business Type: Manufacturer(Manufacturer)
  • Main products: plastic and rubber machine
  • location: China/Guangdong
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Paper mill water granulator

180kg~600kg hour capacity. Applies to beating pool filter in waste paper recycling factory plastic, the plastic type of complexity, different shapes, but mainly to PE, raw material types including: PE PP BOPP EVA PS ... Preparation of raw material, manual sorting, and crushing cleaning. For power savings and improve production efficiency, can be broken clean good raw material for natural water, to dry. Or bale squeeze out most of the water used. Artificial feeding. Two-stage dual exhaust, dual temperature control, automatic precision-controlled temperature control, effectively avoiding pellet color cast, not plasticized, air holes, and so on.. Cutting machine all adopt the stainless steel and chrome plating process, pneumatic, imported materials tool, ensure that the cuts neatly, pellet.Electric power from the 130kw~280kw, (power coefficient for 0.3~0.55).Total weight from 6t~20t.Display recommended 7 font display in the form.Ground level is usually the (5.5m~11m)*(8m~12m). Fixed number of two-stage plastic granulator operation 4/ plastic granulator operation class. Fixed number of four models of plastic granulator operation 7/ plastic granulator operation class.The machine factory,1:1 production by commissing.Customers factories required to prepare the corresponding main electricity,compressed air,cooling circulation water.
Supplier information
Company Dongguan Xingzhou Plastics Machinery Ltd Business modelManufacturer
Registered capital150Ten thousandRMB Year Established2006
LocationChina/Guangdong Business TypeManufacturer (Manufacturer)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , Mould Machine / Punch Machinery  , 
Main Productsplastic and rubber machine
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