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Paper making felt

Company name: Fly Dragon Wire Mesh Co,Ltd. www.papermachineclothings.com MSN:flydragon003@hotmail.com E-mail:sale03@wiremeshdragon.cn Fax:086-318-7026892 There are three series of BOM papermaking felts available in the market. They are single layer base mesh,double layer base mesh and multi layer base mesh.According there structures,they can be divided into BOM formed felt,BOM pressed felt,BOM upper felt,BOM dryer felt,BOM pulp board felt and so on. BOM paper making felts are generally made of the base mesh layer and the fiber layer.The base mesh can be single,double or multi layers. The double base mesh layer can also have a 1+1 laminated. The multi layer base mesh can also be divided into 1+2 or 2+2 laminated. All mesh bases are woven by monofilament or twisted monofilament yarns. The fiber layers are woven by different sizes of polyamide fibers.Fiber layers and base mesh layer are attached by needle stitching to form the felt.
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paper machine clothing,forming fabric,dryer screen,press felt,polyester screen

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Company Fly Dragon Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Accessory  , Mould Machine / Metal Forming Machinery  , 
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