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Iron parts

1. Ductile Iron Castings: 1) molding process: Resin sand/Green Sand 2) Material: EN-GJS-400-15/EN-GJS-500-7/EN-GJS-600-3/EN-GJS-700-2 3) Molding: Hand molding/Molding machine Z145/146/148/Molding line. 4) Possible Heat Treatment: Annealing 5) Industry involved: Municipal industry/Construction industry/ Fluid industry/Automotive industry 6) Part unit weight range: 0. 5kg-2000kgs 7) Max/Min wall thickness requirements: 4mm-250mm 8) Manufacturer Certification: ISO9001(2000)/ TS16949 2. Grey iron castings: 1) molding process: Green sand/Resin sand 2) Material: EN-GJL-150/DIN 1691 GG-15 EN-GJL-200/DIN 1691-GG20 EN-GJL-250/DIN1691-GG25 EN-GJL-300/DIN1691-GG30 3) Molding: Hand molding/ Molding machine Z145/146/148/Molding line. 4) Industry involved: Municipal industry/Construction industry/ Fluid industry/Automotive industry 5) Part unit weight range: 0.5kg-2000kgs 6) Max/Min wall thickness requirements: 4mm 7) Manufacturer Certification: ISO9001(2000)/ TS16949 3. Malleable castings: 1) molding process: Green Sand 2) Material: Ferrite Malleable Iron KTH350-10, KTH370-12, KTZ2550-04 3) Molding: Hand-molding/Mechanical molding/Molding machine/Molding line. 4) Possible Heat treatment: Annealing, Normalizing, Quenching 5) Industry involved: Power Transmission/Construction Industry 6) Part unit weight range: 0.2kg-15kgs 7) Max/Min wall thickness requirements: 4mm-10mm 8) Representative Product: Insulator Caps/Fastener/Scaffold 9) Manufacturer Certification: ISO9001(2000) 4.A.D.I. Castings 1) Material: 1000-2,1000-5/1200-1,1200-2 2) Molding: Hand-molding/Mechanical molding/Molding machine/Molding line. 3) Industry involved: truck industry 4) Representative Product: 0.5kg-2000kgs 5) Manufacturer Certification: ISO9001 (2000)
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OEM casting,forging,machinery,hardware

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Company Wotech Industrial Co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Standard Parts  , Mould Machine / Machining Center  , Mould Machine / Foundry Machinery  , Coordination & Synergy / Surface Machining  , Coordination & Synergy / CNC Machining  , 
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