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Expanded Metal Lath

We can supply expanded metal fabricated metal lath for construction. Expanded metal laths provide an excellent key for finishing materials such as plasters / renders on masonry, ceilings, suspended ceilings and timber framed buildings. The lathing is manufactured in galvanized and stainless steel, which can be used for internal and external applications. Metal lath is easy to fix and provides a secure key for many plaster and render applications including joint and crack reinforcement and refurbishment work. Available in Rib form as a plaster backing on ceilings, walls and stud partitions or Diamond form that can be used as part of a fire protection system for structural steel work. Types of Rib Lath according to materials include galvanized steel rib lath and stainless steel expanded rib lath. According to the forms of opening, it can be divided into coil lath, rib lath and diamond lath.
Supplier information
Company Streckgitter Expanded Metal Sheets Factory Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Shandong Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Goods Trade  , 
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