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55KW BLT-75A Atlas Bolaite Screw Air Compressor



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55KW BLT-75A Atlas Bolaite Screw Air Compressor

Detailed Product Description Atlas Bolaite air compressor 55KW: 1>CE screw air compressor 2>Original Atlas copco Air End 3>Double screws 4>PLC 55KW Atlas Copco Bolaite screw air compressor BLT-75A: Air compressor features: 1. Simplicity of operator: Our air compressor has Industry PLC control platform, that may adapt different operating mode condition; English display system, simple easy to understand; The intelligent automation control and the self-failure diagnosis system may realize unattended. 2. Highly effective main engine: The main engine adopts Atlas original installation screw main engine, guarantees stably and highly effective. 3. Advanced disposition: the dispositions adopt international famous brand dispositions, rate reaches as high as above 80%. Air course system: Uses German MANN Corporation or the British DH Corporation's oil separator and the air strainer, and the Japanese Corporation's pressure regulator valve and so on. It guaranteed provides the high quality gas source.
Supplier information
Company Shanghai Durable Machinery Co., Ltd. PRC Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Machinery & Hardware  , 
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