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Screw absorption lamp-chimney mould



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  • Place of Origin: China Jiangsu
  • Business model: 14
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: 14(14)
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  • location: China/Jiangsu
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Screw absorption lamp-chimney mould

Tianlong mould is a professional production factory in making vessel , lamps and lanterns, candlestick , bottle and so on . Our company is located in south of lower reach of Changjiang River,where is well known through the nation with its beautiful landscapesShajiabang ,where is in the boundary of Shanghai , Suzhou and Wuxi ,as a result, its traffic is very convenient . Our company was founded in 80th,and now , it haspossessed about one hundred employees. It covers an area of 5000 sqm,imports design and making technique and automatic product lines of electric cooker melt , computer drawing ,net numerical control machine tool and others from Germany and Japan,at the same time ,it imports series automatic advanced equipments such as vertical machining center,numerical control milling machine, three-dimensional profiling mills ,compound milling machine ,computer carve machine ,electrical light molding machine ,line incision ,grinder and so on ,which establishes solid foundation for producing high quality and high requirement moulds. Series moulds made by our company are not only supplied to domestic famous glass enterprises but also sold to international market smoothly,they gain large clienteles' trustness. At present , its annual output achieves more than hundred thousand sets.
Supplier information
Company Changshu Shajiabang Tianlong Glass Mould Factory Business model14
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina/Jiangsu Business Type14 (14)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Household goods  , 
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