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WPC Decking, WPC Fencing, Wood Plastic Composite H



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WPC Decking, WPC Fencing, Wood Plastic Composite H

WPC Decking, WPC Fencing, Wood Plastic Composite Handrailing, with Water-resistant Feature Advantages: 1,The main advantages is water-resistant, fire-resistant, shape-keeping, antibacterial and anti-corrosion 2,Can be easily fabricated as the solid wood, because it contain the wood and plastic material, so the hardness and the intensity is very good, also can grasp the nail firmly 3,During the process of the manufacturing, it can be beaded with other materials to modify its character, according to the requirement of the customer 4,It can be re-utilized, so that can protect the wood resource and environment 5,It looks like the wooden appearance, also have the scent as the solid woods
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Company gaoxin wpc extrusion tooling Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Building Materials Mould  , Moulding Equipment / Extrusion Plastic Machine  , 
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