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Gabion Cage

We have rich experiences in producing hexagonal wire netting and gabion cages of various shapes and specifications. Our major products include wire mesh gabions and baskets that can be filled with stones or other materials against flood, for reservoir closure, hillside protection and other applications. We also offer heavy hexagonal mesh, metal alloy wire mesh baskets, crimped wire mesh and double twisted hexagonal mesh. Gabion cages are wire containers made of hexagonal wire netting. Wire diameter varies with the hexagonal nettings. For hexagonal wire netting with no pvc coating, the wire diameter ranges from 2.0mm to 4.0mm. For those PVC coated hexagonal wire netting, the outside diameter ranges from 3.0mm to 4.0mm. The wire of the outside frame edge is one wire gauge thicker than the wire used for hexagonal wire netting. Features: Economic. Just fill the stone into the gabions and seal it. Simple installation. No special technology needed. Weather proof under natural destroy, corrosion resistant. No collapse even under big scope of deforming. Sludge in the stones is good for plant growing. Mixed to form a integrity with the natural environment. Good permeation can prevent the damage by hydrostatic. Less transport freight. It can be folded together for transport and further installation. Gabion cages applications: Control and guide of water or flood Flood bank or guiding bank Preventing of rock breaking Bridge Protection Water and soil protection Coast protection Seaport engineering Strengthening structure of soil Protection of road
Supplier information
Company Schanskorven Gabion Baskets Co. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessTrading & Purchaser / Goods Trade  , 
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