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nylon caster

Longzheng Plastics & Hardware Products Factory is a professional manufacturer specialized in producing nylon trundle. Our factory established in 1976 is located in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province, adjacent to Zhongshan Port, taking up 13,500 sq.m. of land, having 8,000 sq.m. workshop. We also have convenient traffic and rich technical force of production, so that our annual production of nylon trundle is to 50 million.   Insisting on the concept of "Quality, customer, service is the first" after establishment so far, we implement the quality management system. The nylon trundles we produced have obtained favourable comment and SGS authentication, reached American ANSI/BIFMX.5.1 standard, had good sale in U.S.A., Japan, Canada, Europe and so on due to their outstanding making craft, high quality and rational price.
Supplier information
Company Longzheng Plastics & Hardware Products Factory Business model75
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type75 (75)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
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