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Welded Steel Bar Gratings

Welded steel gratings is widely used in construction reinforcement and other fields. Features: Good strength; Cost-efficient; Easy to install. Applications: Gratings for walkways and platforms; Safety barriers; Gratings for drainage covers; Ventilation gratings. Please specify the following when ordering our gratings: 1: Center to center distance of the grating bars; 2. Panel width; 3.Panel length; 4. Bar width. Typical center to center distances of the gratings: 30mm Gratings: This is the most strong industrial steel gratings. Widely used in metallurgy, drainage, stair treads, chemical plants, walkway, etc. 40mm Gratings: This is the most economic type widely used for light bearing surface, walkway, stair gratings, etc. 60mm Gratings: This kind is special for mine industry gratings.
Supplier information
Company Metech Welded Mesh Inc. Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessSupplementary Material / Molding Material  , 
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