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all kinds of accurate mold design



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all kinds of accurate mold design

The subsidiary factory of the mould is that a fine craftsmanship is engaged in specially inside our company Medium and small-l scale all kinds of accurate mold design and department made.By a training there are plain engineers and technicians with ripe tech- nology and skilled worker teams form. Mix processes several d- ozen sets of equipment , and adopt CAD/CAM in fully main acc- urate numerical control technology is used for in reality of produ- cing, in order to meet the demand of the small and medium ent- erprise ,develop CAD'sdepartment of the mould in popularizing CAD's plat form of Auto relatively high degree.intercomected sy- stems, it advance actively high accuracy,high by auality,high e- fficiency the developments of moulds and develop and satisfied with the different demandses of customer is at a high quality one with consumate technology.The products serve the customer
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Company Hebei Gaotehua Industrial Co., Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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