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Therapeutic Apparatus BLUELIGHT BL-F



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Therapeutic Apparatus BLUELIGHT BL-F

Brand Bluelight Category Therapeutic Apparatus Model BL-F Weight 3kg Size 210*146*82 mm 1. As the 7th generation of Bluelight serial products, BLF type ( also known as Bluelight diabetes treatment instrument, Bluelight health instrument )contains all the excellences of the former ones, it occupies the largest exports in China and widely holds true to hospitalsclinics and families. 2. With far infrared heat treatment, BL-F health devie can reach the function of dredging the channelsbalancing the metabolism and the calming and analgesia. 3. With bi-helix magnetic therapy under field effect, BL-F health devie takes effect by using the body-like spectrum electrotherapeutics and the helix magnetic field in link with the physiological electric current of human body. 4. With ion-inducted reflexotherapy through hands and feet, the apparatus continually outputs electric current in frequency conversion to the organs?nerve reflection area lying on the body periphery and feet, and blends with the physiological conditions of human body. 5. With multifunctional microcomputer numeral display, 8 outputs auto-alternate and the treatment process is well memorized. The timing can be set freely from 1 to 9 minutes, and the electric current intensity and heat treatment temperature are numeral displayed in 8-section division and of free regulation. Collecting three sets of electrode polesfour outputs and sound alarming system together, the four treatments can be independently used or shared by three at the same time.
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medical equipment,solar inverter,solar controller,Automotive alarm

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Company Hubei Bluelight Science & Technology Development C Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , 
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