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Alarm WS-401

Brand: WELLSEE Category: Alarm Series Model: WS-401 Weight: 3.0 kg Size: 248*190*45 mm WS-401 Automatic Dialing Burglar Alarm Functions and Features: 1. It has a latest pop panel design with attractive appearance and a unique clamshell design, which is fashionable and close to family life. 2. It is a wireless system, so it can be installed simply and quickly without wiring; the main panel is equipped with an input keyboard, the operation is simple. 3. The operation can be very clear with a rolling all English menu. 4. It has vocal indication in the whole course for convenient operation, and the volume can be regulated. 5. It has 8 wire alarming areas and 16 wireless alarming areas with two remote controls to facilitate your choice for use. 6. It has 8 alarming telephone numbers: 2 telephone numbers of the alarming center and 6 ordinary vocal alarming telephone numbers. 7. The set up alarm/release alarm and emergent alarm of the system can be controlled by a wireless remote control, which is practical and convenient for users in using it. 8. It is operated with passwords to ensure the systemic security: the alarm can be set up or released in a long distance through the telephone passwords. 9. It has the preventive function of cutting, which ensures that the alarm can be sent. 10. A black box function of recording 64 pieces of information. 11. The alarm can be divided into different alarming areas for setting up alarm individually.
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medical equipment,solar inverter,solar controller,Automotive alarm

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Company Hubei Bluelight Science & Technology Development C Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Manufacturer / Electrical Appliance Moul  , 
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