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various die cast dies for motorcycle engines



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  • Place of Origin: China Zhejiang

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various die cast dies for motorcycle engines

Ningbo Beilun Mould Die-casting Co., Ltd. is one of the key private enterprises in Zhejiang province of China. There are over 520 staff members, a workshop area of 12,000 square meters and fixed asets of RMB 38,000,000 in the company. The main equipment of the company includes 23 die-casting machines with a total cpacity of 11,000 metric tons, among which there are 6 machines with a function of robot automatic operation. There are more than 50 machines o rmachine tools designed specially for manufacturing dies, and blasting machines for treatment of castings in the company. Among them, there are three CNC machining centers with teh CAD/CAM network system of designing and machining. The main business of the company is teh manufacture of various die cast dies and the die-casting of aluminium parts of various motorcycle engines. The parts for the engines are over 20 series and 150 types.
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Company Ningbo Beilun Mould Die-casting Co., Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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