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producing auto Radial Ply segmented tyre moulds



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producing auto Radial Ply segmented tyre moulds

GUANGDONG GREATOO MOLDS INC. is a key & advanced enterprise of the National Torch Project and also one of the advanced technology enterprise in Guangdong province. Adopting Modern advanced technology ,this company specializes in producing auto Radial Ply segmented tyre moulds. The company was founded in 1992,in 2001,approved by guangdong provincial government,the company changed into "Guanddong Greatoo Molds INC. With registered capital of RMB 103million." in 2000,the company wan was awarded the ISO9001 quality-system authentication. At present, this company is the only one who possesses the technology for manufacturing Radial Ply segmented type moulds of two different kinds of structures, craftsmenship and materials.Being the first one to introduce the processing technics of whole electric spark,the company's scale ranges in front of the others.The staff term is 700,with more than 1/3 technologist.The enterprise's annual output is up to 600 sets.last year, the value of the out put reached 150 million yuan.company keep innovating and promating its products quality,craft-prescription & technology,and it becomes an important cooperative partner for the famous tire manufacting enterprise The products sell well in our country, and they are exported to USA,India and the east-southern ASia.
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