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glass reinforced plastic molds



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glass reinforced plastic molds

our major products are fiber reinforced plastic(SMC/BMC) pressing,stretching and extrusion mold.Thanks to our state-of-the-art machines including CNC machining center,NC EDM,and CNClathes,and our quality-oriedted and integrity-focused load automobiles in China and make molds for them.  We have a deep understanding of the importance of talents and value the cultivation and development of our talented employees.Our team includes 5 senior engineers,12 mold designers who use AUTOCAD/UG/PRO-ECIMATRON to design,10senior fitters and 50 mold technicians with extensive experiences.The expected output value of SMC mold this year will be 25 million yuan.  Following the motto of "quality and integrity come first",we warmly welcome our vast customers both at home and abroad to contact us by letter or phone or visit us in person for business negotiations.
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Company Shuangsheng Plastic mold Co.,Ltd Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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