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design and made series of moulds of tire



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design and made series of moulds of tire

Shaoxing Zhengxing Tire Mould Co.,Ltd.(Shaoxing mould factory) Collect researching and develop, the specialized factory that design and made series of moulds of tire of strength . Lie in provincial the Ke 's of developing zone of Zhejiang. New factory area is more than 20,000 square meters. Collecting the efficacious air in the land of rivers and lakes of the South here, gather the prosperous air of the city of Chinese light textile, the geographical position is extremely superior . The body ware has bicycles of different specification types , the motorcycle, slide car, The bassinet waits for a tire of moulds .The designs and varieties is novel, exquisite, can meet the turn of the market and user's needs very much.
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Company Shaoxing Zhengxing Tire Mould Co.,Ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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