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components for motorcycle engines



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components for motorcycle engines

Xinghua specializes in manufacture of components for motorcycle engines and assembly members for finished motocycle with an experience of more than ten years.It supplies quality accessories to China Qingqi Group and many other large motorcycle assembly member manufacturers and has been accepted as a member to China Motorcycle Production Net.Close 90's,we reform the mechanism of production with the development of the market .Without the tradional advantage product programer(motorcycle detail),we also set up the product line for rush-pressure and the producing of cool-ruah mould. and we set up the making center of cool-ruah mould.Pass by years,we get great effect,and get the confirm of all the guests.Now,company have been the important producing unit for NingBo Fonti Cooker Co.,Ltd,Zhejiang Guoxiang Making-cool Co.,Ltd and so on well known in the country.
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Company Xinghua Industry Co.,Ltd.Ningbo Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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