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Self-aligning ball bearing1203



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  • Place of Origin: China
  • Business model: Manufactur
  • Registered capital: unfilled
  • Business Type: Manufactur(Manufactur)
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Self-aligning ball bearing1203

1200 1300 2200 2300 1201 1301 2201 2301 1202 1302 2202 2302 1203 1303 2203 2303 1204 1304 2204 2304 1204K 1304K 2204K 2304K 1205 1305 2205 2305 1205K 1305K 2205K 2305K 1206 1306 2206 2306 1206K 1306K 2206K 2306K 1207 1307 2207 2307 1207K 1307K 2207K 2307K 1208 1308 2208 2308 1208K 1308K 2208K 2308K 1209 1309 2209 2309 1209K 1309K 2209K 2309K 1210 1310 2210 2310 1210K 1310K 2210K 2310K 1211 1311 2211 2311 1211K 1311K 2211K 2311K 1212 1312 2212 2312 1212K 1312K 2212K 2312K 1213 1313 2213 2313 1213K 1313K 2213K 2313K 1214 1314 2214 2314 1215 1315 2215 2315 1215K 1315K 2215K 2315K 1216 1316 2216 2316 1216K 1316K 2216K 2316K 1217 1317 2217 2317 1217K 1317K 2217K 2317K 1218 1318 2218 2318 1218K 1318K 2218K 2318K 1219 1319 2219 2319 1219K 1319K 2219K 2319K 1220 1320 2220 2320 1220K 1320K 2220K 2320K 1221 1321 2221 2321 1222 1322 2222 2322 1222K 1322K 2222K 2322K
Supplier information
Company linqing TIANRUI bearing Co.,ltd Business modelManufactur
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationChina Business TypeManufactur (Manufactur)
BondPaid0.00 Yuan
Main businessMould Machine / Tool & Measure  , 
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