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Metallic die casting moulded goods



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  • Place of Origin: China Shanghai

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Metallic die casting moulded goods

Shanghai Nanyue Mould Co.,ltd. is original Shanghai Plastic Product Mould Factory and is a special mould production business. It was founded with Hong Kong Nanyue Business Development Co.,Ltd. because of factory's internal transforming system and assets reorganization. The moulds the company produces have a wide scope of application and all kinds of specifications. They widely apply to industries, like automobile, motors, household appliances, instruments, meters, architecture and articles of everyday use. The company is working at opening up international market and the moulds are exported to Japan, Italy, and southeast Asia etc. The company serves clients wholeheartedly with first-rank quality of products, fair price, good service principles. The company welcome clients from home and abroad to holding trade talks and carry out various cooperative activities.
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Company Shanghai Nanyue Mould Co.,ltd. Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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