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Bumper Mould

Xingtai is located in Huangyan of Taizhou, Zhejiang, which enjoys the reputation of Mould Town of China and Orange Town, while its modern manufacturing facility sits at Beicheng Economic Development Zone in the city. Founded in 1999, the company specializes in the design and manufacture of plastic moulds and plastic parts. Its products see a wide-range usage in automotive, household electric appliances and other sectors. Over the years, the company has developed by leap and bound thanks to its continued commitment to the goal of being well-known among the industry and acknowledged internationally? the business concept of credit and efficiency?as well as the enterprise spirit of teamwork, factualism and innovation?
Supplier information
Company Huangyan Xingtai Plastic Mould Co.LTD Business model
Registered capitalUnfilled Year Established
LocationNationwide Business Type ()
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